January 21, 2013

#1...Finally :)

Hurray! Finally, the Scrappy Dresden plate quilt top is pieced and now it's time to turn the journal page and begin a new chapter. The goal, to machine quilt it....myself!

I've taken a picture of the 'un-scared, un-blemished' top, before it becomes the practice field. Hopefully it won't end up looking like the war zone.

At the rate I move, you may see the quilted results by Christmas.  Perhaps after following Sue Nickels  DVD "Successful Machine Quilting on the Home Sewing Machine" a long with her book "Machine Quilting- A Primer of Techniques I will jump in and "Get 'er Done"!

Head over to Patchwork Times and see what others are posting.
I'll be posting journal entries updating my quilting experience so please check back when you can.

Thank you for visiting. I would love to hear from you, comments/quilting suggestions or you can always..... Wish me luck!

January 18, 2013

Ugh! The learning curve can be tough sometimes. Was trying to re-formatt my blog and I have made a real mess of it...
Please excuse the mess while my blog is currently
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