After all the reading, watching and practicing I finally
swallowed hard, sandwiched my quilt and began my first experience of FMQ. Well, I really haven’t started the pretty, FMQ.
So far I've used the walking foot to stitch in the ditch all the seams. And now I’m FMQ- ESS (every stink’in seam) around the hand appliquéd flowers. Gee, a real pratice in control.
I started to notice I was experiencing red, bloodshot eyes (lovely!) and eye drops wouldn't take the red away. I was
due for my annual eye exam and my doctor told me to practice the 20/20
Rule. Every 20 minutes of intense, focused work, stop, look up, and focus on something 20 feet away. This causes you to blink and lubricate your eyes
and gives the brain a time to rest as well.
Just thought I would share that bit of info.
Since then, I now set a timer for 25 minutes
to remind me to blink and rest my eyes.
You'll be amazed how fast time passes when focusing on a task.
That’s why it's a good idea to set a timer.
As always I'm Sew Happy to Share!