February 15, 2014

Is It Summer Already?

Is summer here already?  OMG, I’m sitting in my lawn chair, appliquéing and it’s 75 degrees out.

My heart hurts for all of my quilting friends, who are suffering with snow and ice.  Posting this makes me feel guilty, but I know you will be posting your beautiful, cool, lush green, pictures when I have to live with 100+ degrees in Arizona, 6 months of the year. 
Take care and remember 'this too shall pass'....
Sew Happy To Share :) 

February 13, 2014

20/20 Rule

After all the reading, watching and practicing I finally swallowed hard, sandwiched my quilt and began my first experience of FMQ.  Well, I really haven’t started the pretty, FMQ. So far I've used the walking foot to stitch in the ditch all the seams.  And now I’m FMQ- ESS (every stink’in seam) around the hand appliquéd flowers.  Gee, a real pratice in control. 
 I started to notice I was experiencing red, bloodshot eyes (lovely!) and eye drops wouldn't take the red away.  I was due for my annual eye exam and my doctor told me to practice the 20/20 Rule.  Every 20 minutes of intense, focused work, stop, look up, and focus on something 20 feet away.  This causes you to blink and lubricate your eyes and gives the brain a time to rest as well.
Just thought I would share that bit of info.  Since then, I now set a timer for 25 minutes to remind me to blink and rest my eyes.  You'll be amazed how fast time passes when focusing on a task.  That’s why it's a good idea to set a timer.

As always I'm Sew Happy to Share!